TGAL Comes to a Close, Leaving Behind Key Resources

TGAL Comes to a Close, Leaving Behind Key Resources

After two successful years of promoting cultural diversity in companies through storytelling, the EU-funded Think Global Act Local (TGAL) project is coming to an end. Pooling together their diverse expertise in the field, TGAL partners managed over the course of its implementation to inspire managers and employees to embrace diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe.

The project has developed two valuable and freely available resources: a comprehensive Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme and a Storytelling Toolkit. The CPD programme features four modules focusing on D&I management, unconscious bias, inclusive communication, and participatory narrative inquiry. The Storytelling Toolkit provides practical guidance on using storytelling techniques to enhance diversity management. 

Both resources are designed to support businesses in fostering inclusive environments and driving cultural change. Available in English, Greek, Bulgarian, Slovenian, Dutch, Czech, Italian and Portuguese, they can be used by both managers and employees who wish to empower their organisations to create diverse, innovative, and successful teams.

Prior to finalising and making the resources of the project available, the partners piloted them in their respective countries in training sessions delivered to companies and professionals. The feedback received was  overwhelmingly positive with participants emphasising the necessity of such approaches to promote  D&I in the workplace. Additionally, the sharing, collecting and analysing stories has proven to be effective for managers in communicating the company’s values, engaging employees and promoting sustainable cultural change.

As TGAL concludes, we are proud of the significant impact made and look forward to seeing these resources continue to benefit companies across Europe. 
Join the movement towards a more inclusive workplace by visiting the official website.