Agile Mind Scribe
The Agile Mind Scribe Project addresses the challenge of knowledge transfer and retention within organizations, aiming to enhance operational excellence, foster innovation, and support workforce development in today’s fast-paced environments. By leveraging Agile principles, the project will create a methodological framework and training program to enable real-time knowledge sharing during work processes. This approach will offer scalable tools and resources customized for various industries, helping employees effectively absorb, apply, and share knowledge as part of their ongoing learning journey.
Focusing primarily on companies seeking innovative knowledge transfer solutions, employees in need of upskilling and reskilling, and adult education organizations—including corporate training centers—this project will support the adoption of advanced pedagogical methods, driving sustainable growth and adaptability within organizations.

STAY Connected project aims to help managers/HR managers receive appropriate skills and knowledge on how to implement hybrid work-models to promote digital inclusion of all employees, create social connectedness between teleworkers and non-teleworking team members, while at the same time, sustain or improve team wellbeing and productivity.

Ageing Well
Ageing Well project, focuses on enhancing the well-being and quality of life for elderly populations. Its initiative focuses on tackling the distinct challenges encountered by older adults, including loneliness, isolation, racism, and communication barriers. By promoting active aging, we aim to empower elderly individuals and their caregivers while fostering supportive communities.

Wellbeing at Kinder
The Project focuses on promoting universal skills, using innovative learning approaches, developing motivation, creativity and a holistic approach to mental health. The project supports practitioners in teacher professions (including teacher educators) through all phases of their career. The project’s consortium focuses on enhancing teachers’ education and skills development, and encourages them for continuous professional and personal development, in particular by improving the preschool teachers’ social image/status and appreciation and teaching them tools of self-care and the importance of their own mental wellbeing.

The DIVERSITe project aims to promote diversity and inclusion management within organisation and make VET more flexible and responsive to labour market needs for diversity training. This project aims to increase awareness of diversity management and provide access to training materials that will allow VET professionals and businesses to deliver their own diversity management training.

The THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL, diversity management project is seeking to support cultural change within companies by using the power of storytelling to inspire managers and employees to change, to share values, and to transfer not just knowledge, but experience and wisdom. Working closely with VET and HR professionals, the project aims to make actual progress in inclusion by implementing a story-based approach where employees are encouraged to tell their stories, own them, and consider how they impact their day-to-day experiences at work.

The SwitchOff project aims at helping managers and VET trainers acquire the appropriate competencies and knowledge on how to facilitate recovery in the workplace and help remote workers disconnect from work and restore their personal resources (emotional, cognitive, physical) at the end of their working day. The SwitchOff project focuses on assisting remote workers and managers on how to effectively use ICTs and disconnect from work, during non-work hours.

Implementing Positive Behaviour Support in Early Childhood Education and Care. Through collaboration between ECEC centers and academic institutions in Europe, PBS-ECEC focuses on applying a program-wide approach to promote children’s socioemotional competence in four EU countries (Portugal, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland) under the ERASMUS+ KA2 programme of the European Commission.

The CAREER COMPASS project aims to support young adults in our communities to develop their career management and resilience skills for the post-pandemic society, and labour market. During the project, a suite of 40 micro-learning resources will be developed, linked to the Scottish CMS, supporting the development of local synergies between education sectors which is expected to improve the provision of lifelong learning structures.

Promoting the health and wellbeing has been a primary concern of employers, but the demands on employers to safeguard the wellbeing of employees have been augmented since the switch to remote working caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Through delivering the BE-WELL project, we aim to provide a range of micro-learning well-being resources to young employees and businesses to support work-based learning programmes and to promote workplace well-being among our business and VET networks.

BENEFIT is a project focusing on empowering youth workers and young individuals to build resilience and strengthen their mental health, improve their well-being and support their inclusion in the labour market and society. Developing resilience and coping mechanisms can equip the individuals with the capacity to bounce back from adversity (life-changing situations and stressful conditions) events and adapt efficiently over time (APA, 2018). Resilience has been linked with positive youth development, greater social adjustment, personal and professional success and better job opportunities.

Inclusive Hubs
The purpose of the INCLUSIVE HUBS project is to transform school spaces into inclusive hubs, where all learners will feel welcome, respected, and valued, particularly those with fewer opportunities like migrants. The project will support holistic approaches to teaching and learning as well as collaboration among all actors relevant to schools (school staff, communities, migrant learners, and their families).

Thrive@Work Training programme for well-being at work for HR managers that want their organisations to thrive aims to promote well-being at work by encouraging Human Resources professionals, Vocational Education and Training trainers, CEOs and owners of companies to dedicate resources and invest in programmes for the psychosocial well-being of their staff.

Virtual Teams
Virtual Teams: supporting collaboration, productivity and wellbeing in virtual
teams and remote workers. Its objectives include the development of appropriate competencies in team leaders to better manage virtual team wellbeing and productivity and at the same time enrich their capacity to use the appropriate technological tools. Virtual Teams also aims to equip HR professionals with tools and skills to be in a position to promote positive organisational cultures by adjusting their policies, practices and procedures and support their staff.

Positive Academy
Positive Academy: Training for Mental Health professionals based on Positive Psychology Methodologies aims to increase the resilience competencies of mental health professionals (MHPs), through non- formal distance-learning training. Specifically, the project will focus on factors that buffer the effects of work-related stressors on MHPs, who are at risk of burn-out and compassion fatigue. It aims to equip MHPs with innovative educational tools aimed to enhance their resilience, wellbeing, the level of knowledge, skills, and resources from the scope of Positive Psychology and its applications in Adult and VET Education.

IRENE project
The IRENE project is an Erasmus + (Key Action 2) project which aspires to promote peace among European families and to protect vulnerable members of families through developing protective and nurturing relationships through supporting parents in their role as primary educators of their children, integrating grandparents and senior adult learners into the family learning model and by creating a ‘whole-family approach’ to addressing instances of domestic violence and abuse, which represents a significant innovation in the field of family learning.

INCLUDE: Inclusive academies
INCLUDE project puts forward a comprehensive program, involving research, direct action and the development of learning resources, to educate and support coaches, executives and staff of sport academies working with young athletes (12-18 years old) so that they can actively contribute in tackling discrimination in youth sports. Namely, the project will work towards combating violence and tackling racism, discrimination and intolerance in sport and to promote integrity and values in sport by helping improve good governance and promoting the positive values of sport.

Happy Habits
The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, left many people emotionally and psychologically drained. The multiple lock-downs, isolation from social circles and the general sense of uncertainty, had a severe impact on the overall wellbeing and mental health of people. “HaHa – Happy Habits” project’s main aim is to address the aforementioned needs by (1) promoting the importance of taking care of one’s mental health (2) help people embrace the wisdom they gained from the covid19 pandemic and amplify their psychological resilience and (3) provide opportunities that will elevate and fortify the wellbeing of individuals, family units and communities in general.

Resilient Preschools
The RESILIENT PRESCHOOLS project focuses on building the capacity of preschool teachers in order to foster to pre-school children psychological resilience and safe proof their overall wellbeing. More specifically, the project team will develop a multifaceted toolkit and training package that will address several psychological characteristics that derive from Positive Psychology core principles, and Seligman’s (2011) PERMA model.
Project website
TACKLE – Tackle Racism in Grassroots Football
The ‘TACKLE Racism in Grassroots Football ‘ project aims to combat racism and xenophobia in football, by empowering coaches and managers of grassroots football to become agents of inclusion.
Project website
Psychological Resilience for Parents
Psychological Resilience for Parents aims to create an avid pool of material (manual, multimedia platform, best practices report) and a Training Course for parents to enhance their psychological resilience and subsequently amplify their efficiency as parents. Also, to raise awareness on how important is for parents to take care of their own emotional and psychological health in order to be more efficient and effective to their parental duties, set a healthy example to their children and enjoy a more fulfilling and wholesome life in general.
Project website
OVERCOME (Positive Career Guidance for low skilled adults)
OVERCOME is an Erasmus+ project that aims to enhance low-skilled adults’ competencies and support their inclusion in the labor market and society, by reinforcing their employability skills as well as their psychological capital (Hope, Efficacy, Resilience, Optimism).
Project website
LearnGen’ s main aim is to combat segregation, discrimination, and social exclusion of marginalised workers. To achieve that, the Project Team will create material and strategies that will enable and facilitate Intergenerational Mentoring among Older and Younger workers so both groups can share their pearls of wisdom with each other!
Project website
ProW – Policy Experiment on Teachers Wellbeing (KA 3)
This Project approach supports early childhood educators, by ensuring that teachers will be trained to manage effectively children’s challenging social behaviours (SWPBS) and to enhance their own career and well-being (Positive Psychology).
This will have a domino effect by improving early childhood teachers’ sense of self-efficacy, enhance their job satisfaction and reduce their burnout levels.
Project website
HeART – Helping Artists of Europe Survive As Freelancers and Entrepreneurs.
HeART project aims to enhance the competencies and skills of Artists and individuals working in Culture and Creative Sectors and secure their inclusion to the labour market and society in general.
Project website
Act It Out
ACT-IT-OUT aims to support adult learners across Europe to use these artistic disciplines to develop their own cultural intelligence and to promote an appreciation of cultural diversity throughout European society. To achieve this aim, the consortium is going to create three core intellectual outputs and we will work with our associate partners to develop a project that is relevant and fit-for-purpose.
Project website
SUCCESS (Erasmus + Strategic Partnership KA2)
Aims to use and cultivate Positive Psychology theories and applications in order to teach and/or enhance useful Employability Skills in High School Students. School Counsellors, will be firstly trained on Employability Skills and then impart what they learnt to Lower and Upper Secondary Education Grade Students. The project partners are: Institute of Development Ltd, GrantXpert Consultants Ltd, Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology (HAPPSY, Vilnius University (Lithuania), CESIE (Italy) and ICEP Europe (Ireland)
Project website
SAFER (Justice)
Aims to raise awareness and change gender-based stereotypes and eliminate any gender-based violence in primary education. Primary Education Teachers will be trained in a series of activities, whose sole purpose is the prevention of gender-based violence. Next, the trained Teachers will utilize the activities in class in order to prevent gender-based stereotypes and subsequently gender-based violence. The project partners are: Institute of Development Ltd, GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family (Cyprus), ICEP Europe (Ireland), CESIE (Italy), Vilnius University (Lithuania) and Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology (HAPPSY).
Project website
EAGLES (Erasmus + Strategic Partnership KA2)
The E.A.G.L.E.S. Project mission is to Empower and Activate the Young Generation and the acquisition of a broad set of Employability Skills. To achieve that we use a combination of various techniques aiming to provide psychological support, enhance positivity and resilience. Furthermore, as aforementioned we focus on the development of basic soft skills, useful for young job seekers. A training package was developed and implemented by Youth Workers, who were trained by the EAGLES team. The project was a successful collaboration between: Institute of Development Ltd, GrantXpert Consultants Ltd, Panteion University, CESIE (Italy) and ICEP Europe (Ireland).

Happiness, Optimism, Positivity and Ethos in Schools. HOPEs project was funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ program KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (Strategic Partnerships for school education). The project aims to promote wellbeing in primary schools by training with specific lesson plans implementation based on the theoretical framework of positive psychology and character education. It is an opportunity to enrich schools with extra tools for a more meaningful future through:
- Positive emotions
- Character Education
- Positive Purpose
- Positive Coping
- Positive Connections

SailAway Project aims to encourage the participation of Children and Young Adults with ASD in sailing, by improving the skills of Sailing Professionals / Instructors and the capacity of Sailing Clubs on how to effectively and safely involve people with Autism in sailing activities. SailAway Consortium will firstly create a manual especially tailored for Sailing Professionals and Clubs, with key points and tips on how to include people with Autism in Sailing Programmes and Activities.
The Project Partners are:
- KMOP (Greece) Coordinator
- Rijeka Sports Association for persons with disabilities (Croatia)
- Montetauro Cooperativa Sociale (Italy)
- Mira’m Fundacio CV (Spain)
- Insitute of Development (Cyprus)
- Nautical Club of Paleon Faliron (Greece)
- APROXIMAR (Portugal)

Efficient Parenting
The project aims to develop a user-friendly Handbook for parents, in order to improve their skills and competencies so they can deliver efficient and high-quality parenting to their children, whilst maintaining and even enhancing their own overall well-being and psychological health.
The Project Partners are:
- Fundatia de Abilitare Speranta (Romania) Project Coordinator
- University of the Aegean (Greece)
- Institute of Development (Cyprus)
- The Rural Hub (Ireland)
- CARDET (Cyprus)
- Centro Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci (Italy)