BE WELL project Newsletter #1

BE WELL project Newsletter #1

Objectives of the project

BE-WELL aims to support young employees and vocational educators to address the rising mental health issues affecting Europe’s young adults today.

Promoting health and well-being has been a primary concern of employers, but the demands on employers to safeguard the well-being of employees have been augmented since the switch to remote working caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Through delivering the BE-WELL project, we aim to provide a range of micro-learning well-being resources to young employees and businesses to support work-based learning programmes and to promote workplace well-being among our business and vocational education and training networks.

The project will develop the following Outputs:

  • Interactive Micro-Learning Toolkit for Well-being Promotion & MOOC Platform
  • Continuous Professional Development Training for Vocational Education Providers
  • Policy and Practice Recommendations Report 

Current activities of the project:

Currently the partners are working on the first output which focuses on developing the BE-WELL Interactive Micro-Learning Toolkit for Well-being Promotion and MOOC Platform.  The specific objectives of this output are to: 

(1) Develop a 28-day well-being planner that will act as a personalised, interactive learning resource for young employees in companies, and those currently engaged in remote and hybrid working models. 

(2) Develop a 28-page handbook for young employees; with a one-page, self-reflection or self-help activity to address the 28-micro learning resources contained in the planner.

(3) Develop and populate the BE-WELL MOOC with all content developed in this WP.  (4) Promote this Well-being Planner among young employees and companies in our networks; specifically, through the BE-WELL Promotional Events to be held with 25 young employees and business representatives in each country.

Project website