SWPBS project (video)
After 3 years of implementation, countless memories, lessons, and untold sweat and laughter, we are proud to present to you what people who were actively involved, say about the SWPBS project! Teachers and children deserve the most! Without their immersed efforts and willingness to positively contribute to their educational systems, nothing would have been possible. Special thanks to 90 schools, 2000 teachers, 15 000 students that made our initial objectives possible and attainable. Thank you all!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBwANdmm32I The “Building School-Wide Inclusive, Positive and Equitable Learning Environments Through A Systems-Change Approach” (SWPBS) is an ERASMUS+ Key Action 3 Policy Experimentation program, which aims to establish an inclusive non-discriminatory social culture and necessary socio-emotional and behavioral supports for all children in a school across four EU countries (Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Romania). Project…